Paper-giver at the following international conferences

  • Speaker, "Inside al-Qa'ida in the Islamic Maghreb's Propaganda Machine & its Evolution following the rise of the Islamic State", The Lure of Jihad: Propaganda & Construction of Jihadist Identities Conference, University of Oxford, June 28, 2016
  • Speaker, "Alienation, terrorist violence and the search for peace: new insights", VIII annual Conference of the Italian Standing Group on International Relations, June 26 2015
  • Speaker, "Good Messages Used by Bad People: Cooptation of Western Public Diplomacy Themes in Islamist Extremist Narratives", ISA Annual Convention, New Orleans, USA, 18 February 18, 2015.
  • Speaker, "Jihadist Narratives in a Turbolent MENA Region", UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office, London, December 12, 2014.
  • Speaker, "The Role of Peace Studies in an increasingly violent world: Looking for an alternative approach to terrorism", Peace Studies International Conference, 40th Anniversary, University of Bradford, May 1-3, 2014.
  • Speaker, "Discourse, Social Interaction and Peace", The VI Conference of the European Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction, University of Uppsala, August 28-30, 2013.
  • Speaker, "Discourse, Symbolic Interaction and Peace: Preliminary Thoughts", Workshop on Symbolic Interactionism, Social Inclusion, Peace, University of Pisa, May 17, 2013.
  • Speaker, "Change within continuity: The case of Morocco and its silent revolution", American Council for the Study of Islamic Societies, XIII Annual Meeting, University of Seton Hall, USA, April 5-6, 2013.
  • Speaker, "Islamophobia, Alienation and Ways Forward to Strengthen Community Cohesion: A comparative case-study", Islam, Political Islam, and Islamophobia: An International Conference, Indiana University, USA, March 29-30, 2013.
  • Speaker, "The invasion of Italy: A critical analysis of the nationalist and emergency rhetoric of the Berlusconi Administration and it socio-political effects in the aftermath of the 2011 North African migrations towards the Italian coasts", Nationalism, Identity, and Belief Symposium, University of Derby, UK, March 25, 2013.
  • Speaker, "The migrants' invasion: Symbolic construction of a humanitarian emergency in the Italian policy discourse in the aftermath of the Arab uprisings", CoMiDe International Symposium, University of Bologna, Italy, March 20-21, 2013.
  • Contributor, "Surveillance in day-to-day practices", RSCAS, European University Institute, 11-October 12, 2012.
  • Speaker, "Surveilling the terrorist brain: neuroscience advances and societal implications", LISS Conference, Barcelona, May 28 - June 2, 2012.
  • Speaker, "Terrorism Studies and System Thinking", TRIN Conference, University of Leeds, May 26, 2012.
  • Speaker, "Surveilling the terrorist brain: security VS social implications", Porto, WISC Conference, August 2011.
  • Speaker, "Communicating Terrorism: the US governmental discourse on terrorism and the creation of a new global enemy", University of Edinburgh, PSA/BISA Conference, March 29 - April 1, 2010.
  • Speaker, "Teaching and Researching Terrorism", Conference of the C-SAP Teaching Terrorism Special Interest Group, London, June 9-10, 2009.
  • Speaker, "The privatisation of (in)security, the case of the Camorra of Naples: an anomaly five centuries long?", ISA, New York, February 2009.
  • Speaker, "Analysing the language of terrorism in Morocco", BISA, University of Exeter, December 2008.
  • Speaker, "Analysing the discourse on the other: the 'terrorist' in Morocco". The 'War on Terror' Perspectives from the Global South Conference, 11-12 December 2008, Aberystwyth University.
  • Speaker, "The privatisation of (in)security: the case study of the Camorra of Naples: An Anomaly?", WISC, Second Global International Studies Conference, Ljubljana, July 2008.
  • Speaker, "The political construction of terrorism and radicalism in Morocco", WISC, Second Global International Studies Conference, Ljubljana, July 2008.
  • Discussant on the panel "Religion and Politics", WISC, Second Global International Studies Conference, Ljubljana, July 2008.
  • Speaker, "SALWs and organised crime: the case-study of Naples", COST A25 Final Conference on Armed Violence, 17-19 March 2008, Brussels.
  • Speaker, "Analysing Islamic radicalism and terrorism in Morocco", University of Odense, COST Action 24, 29 November-1 December 2007.
  • Speaker, "Morocco: the issue of terrorism and its implication on the migration policy", Conference on Terrorism and Migration, University of Southampton, 16-18 November 2007.
  • Speaker, "The privatisation of (in)security: the case study of the Camorra of Naples and its impact on social cohesion", University of Basel, 19-20 October 2007.
  • Speaker, "Peace Studies, System Thinking and Interdisciplinarity", ECPR General Conference, Pisa, 6-8 September 2007.
  • Speaker, "Small Arms and armed gangs in Ghana", International COST Action 25 Workshop on Small Arms and Light Weapons in conflict, Nicosia, 29-30 May 2007.
  • Speaker, "The International Legislation to fight against Human Trafficking", International COST Action 25 Workshop on Transnational Trafficking, EU Commission, Brussels, 15-16 May 2007.